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Glenn Sims


Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Both!  I love to spoil my cat Lucy (and she knows it).

What’s your favorite thing to cook for other people?
Our timeless family recipe spaghetti and meatballs.  Tastes even better after settling in the fridge overnight.

What is something else (besides radio) that you’re good at?
I’m quite geeky—I enjoy computer programming and digital media production.  You’ll always find me with my camera at one of our events!

How would you describe the way you dance?
I can promise you that you’ll find better rug-cutting skills at a carpet store.

What’s your go-to karaoke jam?
Piano Man, or to keep things Country-themed, Friends In Low Places.

What’s your most embarrassing moment on the radio?
After giving the cue to call & win concert tickets, I started taking calls and accidentally left the microphone on!  That was an awkward minute…

Who is your favorite country artist of all time?
Brad Paisley.  I’ve loved his music since I was in diapers.

What’s your favorite country song of all time?
Equally tied between Chicken Fried and God Bless the USA.

What’s your favorite thing about BIG Country 98.9 WOKO?
Oh man, where do I even BEGIN?  I get to do what I love alongside a wonderful audience and some of the best people I’ve had the privilege of working with.

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